Tuesday 22 March 2011

Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End

Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End


 Budget: $300 million
Director: Gore Verbinkski
Producer: Jerry Burkheimer
Writer: Ted Elliot and Terry Rossio
Stars: Johnny depp, Orlando bloom and Kiera knightly
Studio: Jerry Burkheimer films
Edited by: Stephan E. Rivkin and Craig Wood


This film is distributed by Walt Disney Pictures. Walt Disney Pictures decided to move the United States opening of At World's End from screenings Friday, May 25, 2007 to Thursday at 8 PM, May 24, 2007. The film opened in 4,362 theaters. The DVD was released on December 4, 2007 in the United States and Canada.


It grossed an estimated $216 million, which stands as the third highest opening weekend behind harry potterand the half blood prince(estimated $236 million) and spider man 3($230,544,376). Added to its earnings in the U.S.A. and Canada, its worldwide opening 3-day weekend gross (including weekday previews) is $344.0 million, making it the third-largest worldwide opening of all time. By June 13, 2007 -its 20th day of release-, the film had grossed $500 million overseas, breaking spider man 3 record for reaching that amount the fastest. Eventually, this record was overtaken by avater which reached that amount in 13 days. By the end of its run, the film made $309,420,425 in the U.S.A. and Canada. It overseas for a worldwide total of $960,996,492.

Slumdog millionnaire

Slumdog millionnaire


Budget: 15 million
Director: Danny Boyle
Producer: Christian Colson
Writer: Simon Beaufoy
Stars: Dev Patel, Frieda Pinto
Edited by: Chris Dickens
Studio: Film four


Pathe Pictures distributed this film, which is a UK box office. Fox searchlight pictures and Waner bros. pictures also distributed it and they are both US box office. The release date for this film in the UK was 9th January 2009 and in the US 12th November 2008. The film was released on DVD and blue- ray on 1 June, in the UK. In North America it was released in 10 original theatres, the film was released on DVD and Blu-ray in the United States on 31 March 2009.


The film grossed £6.1 million in its first eleven days of release in the UK. The takings increased by another 7% the following weekend, bringing the film's gross up to £10.24 million for its first seventeen days in the UK, and up to £14.2 million in its third week.

Slumdog millionnaire

Slumdog millionnaire


Budget: 15 million
Director: Danny Boyle
Producer: Christian Colson
Writer: Simon Beaufoy
Stars: Dev Patel, Frieda Pinto
Edited by: Chris Dickens
Studio: Film four


Pathe Pictures distributed this film, which is a UK box office. Fox searchlight pictures and Waner bros. pictures also distributed it and they are both US box office. The release date for this film in the UK was 9th January 2009 and in the US 12th November 2008. The film was released on DVD and blue- ray on 1 June, in the UK. In North America it was released in 10 original theatres, the film was released on DVD and Blu-ray in the United States on 31 March 2009.


The film grossed £6.1 million in its first eleven days of release in the UK. The takings increased by another 7% the following weekend, bringing the film's gross up to £10.24 million for its first seventeen days in the UK, and up to £14.2 million in its third week.

Thursday 21 October 2010

The way soap opears are constructed in reality

The way soap opera are constructed in reality

The soap opera’s that I have been currently studying are Hollyoaks and Eastenders, which are well known soaps. I am going to be analysing the themes, technical codes, theories of realism and the characters. The most common themes in soap operas are:
 Pregnancy/teenage pregnancy, relationships, cancer, murder, comedy, love triangles, affairs, death and cliff hangers. These things generally seem to come up in soap operas.


The reason why themes are used in soap operas or the media is to target people with real life issues. Majority of the themes above happen in everyday life and this is why they are so popular and get used over and over again, they undertake real life issues for those who are under going such problems. These theme do only help those who are going through these current problems but also it help everyone in the world understand what others are going through and may help for example stop teenage pregnancy. However it has it’s down side and this is because sometimes theses issue can be sensitive topic for many people and soap operas may make the situation worst or exaggerate a little bit. Sometimes the audience tends to forget that soap operas are not real and take it so seriously and example was the big story line of ‘who killed Archie Mitchell’ even though this wasn’t real plenty of people make this topic the centre of there conversations. The media realises that some of there themes are a bit thin-skinned so this is why they put a help line at the end. This help line tells us that all the issues I soap operas are real and happening today so people can put a stop to it.

Characters/mise on scene

The characters in soap operas are the one who make it more of a reality. This is because In order for them to act the part of for example someone who takes drugs, they must look and act the part which takes us to mise on scene. The characters hair and make-up is what give them the look of who they are acting, it wouldn’t make any sense to get someone who is dirt-free and clean to play the part of someone taking drugs because it would not be believable to the viewers. Also the characters costume give a reality effect because in society we judge people o how they look and this allows us to judge their personality’s. for example if someone walks out pregnant we immediately know they are pregnant ad this happens in real life so the audience would believe it. Also in soap operas there are always iconic things such as in eastenders there is the queen vic and Albert square this is where majority of the scene take place however this isn’t very realistic because in everyday life different things occur in different places. Another thing that gives a very realistic effect is props, if there was no such thing as props in soap operas then it would not be realistic at all because every where we go in society there is thing such as phones, I pods, bags, sunglasses, purses and so on. Soap operas are not really as bright as films. The colours are washed away and this is to give it a realistic effect.

Tuesday 28 September 2010

Elizabeth essay

Elizabeth media essay

In the film ‘Elizabeth’ there are lots of figurative things occurring. Majority of these things include mise- en- scene and camera shots. The reason why these things are used is to enable the audience to see and share how the character is feeling at that present time.

In the beginning of the first scene there is a close up shot of Elizabeth face, in this shot we notice that there is no expression on her face, this could indicate that she is in deep thought or that something is happening beyond her control and there is nothing she can do about it. Her face being like this shows she is the kind of person who thinks and worries a lot about things which us as a audience can clearly see and acknowledge. Also another thing we see in this scene is a two shot of Elizabeth and her maid, in this shot we see her maid cutting her hair off while crying. The colour of Elizabeth hair is a very bright and vibrant orange, which explains her personality. By her hair being this colour it shows that she is very wild and out- going, we see this side to her in a flashback of her dancing and playing about with her lover. The fact that her maid is cutting her hair off symbolises a new start and a new beginning for the up coming queen. Besides this we also notice that the maid cries which doing what she is told to do by Elizabeth. This tells us that the maid and Elizabeth had a good friendly relationship and by the maid cutting her hair it symbolises their friendship ending which creates a tense atmosphere.

 It is ironic because there is a saying which is: ‘ it’s like my life is slipping out of my hands’ during this part of scene we see a point of view shot which is taken when Elizabeth hair fall in-between her fingers, for every little bit of hair that drops in her palms this shows a bit of her old life demolishing slowly. Elizabeth goes on to say ‘I have become a virgin’ this tells us that Elizabeth hair was her confidence and it helped her with her love life but know that its gone its as if she is pure again she is a whole new Elizabeth.

Coming towards the end of the scene we see a different colour, which is white, and this colour is used when she is soon to be‘ queen of England’. As she walks in a long shot is taken where we can see a big transformation in her, she has all her flesh covered up including her neck which mean that because she is soon to be the queen of England she has to dress and act like a mature woman in order to gain respect, also the colour of her outfit is white and as she walks in through the doors with a bright light behind her it is as if    she portraying an angels who has seen the light and discovered where and who she wants to be in life.

Following on from that the reception gets from the people who are there is the kind a women who is getting married would get. Everybody there seemed mesmerised and shocked and usually at an actual wedding this would be there reaction because of how astonishing and beautiful the bride looks however in this circumstance the reason why people where shocked was because the transformation that had taken place with Elizabeth. As she walked in she said ‘I am married to England’ which implied that she is ready and strong enough to be the ruler of England also it could mean that she doesn’t want or need to get married to a man because she has England and that is her main priority. While she is walking down the aisle there is a high angle shot taken when she passes her ex lover in this part of the scene you can see the love he has for her and there is a big difference in states because he is looking up to her. Already in this scene there is a change in Elizabeth life someone that he once loved is now the queen of the country he lives in which tells us that they have now become two completely different people.  

There is a close up shot taken of Elizabeth face at the end which in the beginning of the scene we saw a close up shot of her face, however the first shot is different from the last shot because in the end we see a completely new face and personality and this just goes to show that growing up is a part of life and taking responsibility is a part of life and that she had to choose between her life and   everyone in it and or England.  

Thursday 23 September 2010

Denotation/connotation of skins poster

Denotation/connotation reading of skins poster

Picture 1

In this image the character doesn’t have a costume. All that is visible is his bare chest and his emotionless facial expression, which may suggest that he is in deep thought, and is depressed. Also he is  drowning himself in the bath which implies he wants to get away from the world. The fact that the character is in a bathroom allows us to understand why he doesn’t have a costume, it also gives the assumption that he is attempting to commit suicide.
The style of the bathroom is very Victorian days, however the bath tub and sink are modern, the fact that the location is very filthy and grotty explain why the style looks Victorian because in those days there wasn’t really bright coloured rooms to show cleanliness instead the rooms were dull. We can tell a lot from the characters personal hygiene in this picture and it is obvious that he isn’t very clean and doesn’t mind dirt, which is ironic because most teenagers don’t.

A washed away green is the main colour represented in this picture. This tells us that the colour has been faded away to represent a dull and miserable atmosphere with matches the characters feelings and personality.
Teenagers are being portrayed as moody, which is a basic stereotypical issue nowadays. It isn’t a very realistic picture because there are different kinds of teenagers not all are temperamental and unreadable. However it is believable because majority of teenagers are sensitive and tend to over work there brains with worry which this teenage boy in the picture seems to be doing. Adults wouldn’t be surprised to see this image because they know how it feels to be at that stage and may have children the same age so this wouldn’t be a new thing nevertheless the only people that may get offended are teenagers themselves because the image is only portraying one side to them.  

Picture 2

The character in this image is wearing green bra, black briefs and a black lace cardigan that is falling off her shoulders. She looks like a middle class girl who has just woken up or been up all night from a house party. Also she has a worried look on her face and doesn’t really look comfortable and we can see this through the way she is sitting down and the intense look in here eye.

This image is located in an abandon bedroom. The character in this image doesn’t look very respectable and presentable and neither does the location. I say this because the wallpaper looks very dull and black and also looks as though its falling off the wall. However the style of the room looks like a parents room just because a teenager’s room wouldn’t be so big and dull. In the background there are a lot of teenagers with no cloths on and lazing about which brings the life to the room.

In this image there is artificial lighting because in the background is a lamp which is switched on, this light is reflecting on a specific person in the corner and this may be to take the attention from the main character who doesn’t need light on her as the picture seems to be taken in the early hours of the morning which means natural light is already on her and to put the attention on another character who has an emotionless face. Even thought that little bit of light in the background is present the atmosphere still seems humid as there seems to be mixed emotion mainly worried ones. The room kind of gives a scary mood because it looks as though they are vampires or something in a horror film.

This poster represents teenagers are rebellious and outrageous in the way they are dressed. The picture is a little exaggerated because of the way they are dressed and also if they were having a house party or sleep there would e a happy mood not a depressing one. It is a very negative representation of teenagers because all of the characters in this picture hardly have any cloths on which makes them look out of control and will make others stereotype teenagers. Depending on the age some will feel disgusted especially adults because it will give them the impression that there children are also doing the same and some teenagers might find it ‘cool’ and try to explore it. Adults will find this image very offensive just because of there ages.